Tuesday, September 9, 2008



1990- A spinning one-handed handstand.

Cricket: A float that involves hopping around in a circular motion while in the handglide position.

Headspin: A spin on the head.

Airchair: A type of freeze in which the breaker stabs their elbow into their back and balances on it while keeping their legs in the air.

Piked Airflare: Airflare with the legs straight together, instead of V-shape.

Baby Freeze: A basic freeze in which one hand is stabbed and the head and opposite hand are used for balance in a tripod position. While both legs are held in the air commonly with the opposite leg's knee of the balancing arm is placed on the balancing arm.


Flare: A widely recognized power move that involves swinging the legs around in a circular motion while balancing on the hands

Elbow Freeze: Breaker using one of his or her arm and elbow support the position.

Back Spin: A spin on the back.

Turtle: A float that involves stabbing both hands and walking in a circular motion.

Handglide/Handspin: A type of spin performed while balanced in a one-handed float position.

The head stand is a pose that is an inversion posture of standing head up.

Windmill/Mill: power move in which the breaker rotates on the upper body while swinging their legs.

And Finally me doing head stand, but I was injured after doing it!!!:-(

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